Ping... Ping... Down... Bzzzz... Wrrr... Ping... Ping...

CheckCron is a simple cron job checker. It will notify you when your cron jobs are down.

CheckCron diagram
No credit card required.

No more skipped failed cron jobs

Cron jobs fail? Get alert, instantly.

Failed cron jobs are a pain. They are hard to debug and they are hard to fix. CheckCron will notify you when your cron jobs are down.

App screenshot
Easy Setup.
Want a timeout based cron? You get it. Want a cron syntax? No problem. Get the link and you are ready to go.
Secure and private.
We dont collect any data. We dont store any data. We dont sell any data. We do businesses with you professionally.
Simple alert.
Email, Webhook, Telegram, and many more integrated in the future roadmap
Advanced Intelligent Bot.
CheckCron bot will check regularly for your system's "check in". If CheckCron sees a missed check-in, the bot will send you an alert.
Powerful system.
You won't skip any alerts you should get.
We are a small team of one. Made by Ricardo Sawir.

Boost your productivity.
Start today.

CheckCron will be your cron job checker so you can focus on what matters.

App screenshot

Frequently asked questions

What's cron?

Imagine Cron as a friendly robot that helps you with chores.

You know how you have to do your homework every day? Well, Cron is like a robot that can do that for you automatically. You just tell it, "Hey, Cron, do my homework every day at 5 o'clock." And Cron will do it without you even having to think about it!

It's like having a little helper that never forgets or gets tired. It can do all sorts of things, like sending emails, backing up your computer, or even checking if your favorite TV show is on. It's a really smart robot that helps make your life easier!

If cron is so smart, why do I still need to monitor?

Even though Cron is smart, it's still a machine. Sometimes, machines can make mistakes or have problems. That's why it's important to keep an eye on Cron to make sure it's doing its job correctly.

Imagine Cron is like a dog. You give it a command to fetch your ball. Most of the time, it will do it right. But sometimes, it might get distracted by a squirrel or trip over something. If you're not paying attention, you might miss it and your ball could get lost.

So, monitoring Cron is like checking in on your dog to make sure it's doing what you asked it to do. It helps you catch any problems early and keep everything running smoothly.